bd Circular Download 2023

Have you seen the circular published by the Anti-Corruption Commission? As per published circular if you want to apply there according to eligibility then you can apply using above mentioned link. In addition to giving an idea about the link of the application, the detailed rules of the application have been given in the published circular.

Especially if you know which pixel to upload the image and signature, then you can resize them in a specific format in advance. So for you, if we apply according to the circular published by the Anti-Corruption Commission, it will be discussed to apply by following certain rules. We think that based on the discussion here, if you know many important facts and apply by following certain rules, there will be no mistakes.

If you can apply through the Anti-Corruption Commission, then according to the post here, you will definitely be assigned certain duties. But since most of the work is done at field level, you have to have the experience to go there or complete each task efficiently. This special system has been introduced so that no one or any organization can build a mountain of wealth through corruption within the country. With the guidance provided by the Anti-Corruption Commission to conduct every activity in the country in a fair manner, no organization will get an opportunity to commit corruption for fear of punishment or even if it is done, it will hinder their conscience.

However, if you think you are honest and want to bring the situation of the country to a normal level through the anti-corruption commission, then you will definitely get an opportunity to show your honesty by joining here. But the position you apply for is very important and it would be great if you have the required qualifications for the position you are applying for.

So to apply, after clicking on the above link, you have to directly select the post for which you are applying and click on the next option on the side. Then the list of posts will appear there and after clicking on the post you will have to fill the information step by step in the application form that will appear.

While filling the information, personal information must be given and care should be taken to follow the certificate and NID card. In addition to providing your personal information, you can fill in the educational qualification information as requested. However, if someone has more experience and teaching qualifications, then there will be no problem in applying or hiring. After filling each information correctly, if you can fill in the format in which you are told to upload the photo and signature, the application will be completed on the basis of submission.

However, a certain amount of application fee is charged for each examination so that the authorities can follow up the candidates to take the examination. After that, according to the opportunities and difficulties, when the authorities announce the exam date, you will again download the admit card using the above link in the same way.

Once the admit card is downloaded, you will get an idea about the exam center and the date of the exam will be mentioned there. After knowing the exam date, you will complete the exam by participating in various centers at the departmental level on the specified day. After that, if the results are published for the final recruitment through viva or written test, you will get the job by following all the steps.