According to the circular published by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, you can keep an eye on its official website to know when these exams will be taken for those who have applied for various posts. And if the exam date is published then the applicants will be informed by SMS on the phone asking them to download the admit card between the exam date and the scheduled date. So if you are an applicant and visit here to download admit card then we will directly ask you to go to download admit card page.
Because the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics has automatically generated the admit card from the website that has accepted your application and is providing it to you. As the admit card contains exam date and exam center information, you don’t know where the exam center is until you download it. So you must check it to know about the examination center and to appear there within the scheduled time of examination.
Because these types of exams are held in Dhaka city and held in various educational institutions, applicants from far-flung parts of the country start preparing in advance. When you arrive at the examination center, leave at least thirty minutes in hand to facilitate entry into the examination center and find a seat. But anyway, I will tell those who have come to download the admit card that they have to give certain information to download this admit card. Because the admit card belongs to a specific person, if that person cannot input the information correctly, it will not be possible.
To download the admit card the person needs to use the user id provided at the time of application. Also after completing the payment you provided the password which is in your collection. If for some reason there is no SMS of user ID and password then you can check the applicant copy. And if the applicant copy is lost then you have to wait for the SMS provided by the authority.
Because Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics will inform your user ID and password by SMS before the start of the exam i.e. a few days before the start of the exam. And you have to wait for the SMS telling you to download the admit card using that. If the SMS does not come due to internet problems or the SMS does not reach your phone then you must visit the website and use the Recover User ID and Recover Password option.
There are many people who can’t find Recover User ID and Recover Password option or don’t know how to recover it. Mainly based on the information you have applied with, your user ID and password will be provided, so first of all you will go to the Recover User ID option. There the name of the applicant and his father’s name and mobile number should be given. After that, the user ID will come directly after searching and some information has to be provided by going to the recover password option.
By providing correct information and searching, the password will appear. Since your user ID and password have been collected, go to the admit card option and search the admit card with the user id and password. Then based on the information you provide, its PDF file will be shown on the next page and it will be convenient for you to recognize that it is provided with the image. In this way, you can visit the official website of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics and download the admit card and participate in the exam.