www Supremecourt Gov Bd Cause List 2023 সুপ্রিম কোর্ট

The importance of this website is immense as we can easily collect all the orders of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh to different types of cases of the Supreme Court and other issues through the website. This website provides us with important information related to the Supreme Court by publishing various notices and various types of cause list and various types of recruitment to application forms can be collected from here.

So when you want to collect the cause list or the notice or other information by visiting the official website of the highest court of Bangladesh i.e. Bangladesh Supreme Court then we can definitely help you in that regard. So to get this related information, visit the official website of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh and collect the important information from there.

Some Vital Info About Supreme Court

  • The website supremecourt.gov.bd is the official website of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh.
  • The website provides information about the structure, function, and jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.
  • Users can access the latest news and updates related to the Supreme Court and its activities through the website.
  • The website offers a range of online services, such as case status tracking, case search, and cause list search.
  • Users can find information about the court’s rules and regulations, as well as its past and current judgments and orders.
  • The website provides a platform for users to submit complaints, feedback, and suggestions related to the court’s services and activities.
  • Users can access a directory of judges and other court officials, as well as contact information for different court registries and offices.
  • The website offers a range of forms and documents related to court procedures, such as filing of cases, appeals, and petitions.
  • Users can access the website in both English and Bangla languages.
  • The website provides links to other relevant legal resources, such as laws, regulations, and legal databases.


As important notices related to the general public or various legal ordinances are required, we can collect the daily update notices by visiting the official website as well as we can complete every work according to these notices. When the Supreme Court of Bangladesh publishes different types of notices for various individuals to conduct their official activities, then you must collect those notices and if you visit the homepage of the official website to collect the notices, you can collect them from there by going to the notices section.

Moreover, by visiting the official website of Bangladesh Supreme Court, you will get correct information about what other information you will get. At present Hasan Faiz Siddiqui Sir has been performing this duty as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh and these tasks are being completed properly to approve the Constitution of Bangladesh. Since the sixth chapter of the constitution of Bangladesh has talked about the establishment of the Supreme Court in Article 94, this website and this institution are doing the best in taking every legal step in the state and conducting the judicial proceedings accordingly.

High Court Notice Board

According to the provisions of the constitution, if we want to know about the matter of the Supreme Court, then we need to know more information about it. At present there are two divisions of Bangladesh Supreme Court and if anyone wants to know the name of this division then one name is Appellate Division and the other name is High Court Division. To those who do not know about the High Court, I will say that Article 101 of the Constitution describes the role of the High Court and it will be very easy to know what the High Court can do from there.

Moreover, the High Court always hears various appeals from lower courts and tribunals and you can collect those appeals from there. Moreover, the common people of Bangladesh can appeal to the High Court on various issues and by appealing, they can confirm the correctness of each issue by declaring various types of writs.

Therefore, when various notices are published by the High Court for public purposes, it must be published through the Supreme Court, so visit the official website of the Supreme Court and check the notice board. Since there are different types of sections and different types of activities involved, it will be very convenient for us to know them through the official website if Bangladesh Supreme Court has issued different types of notices in our daily life. Collect them from the official website as a conscious citizen and to perform every work of Digital Bangladesh properly.

Supreme Court Notice Today

If you want to know about the notice issued by the Supreme Court today then we will inform you how to collect the notice from the official website along with issuing that notice. Usually, when you enter the official website, you will be shown different types of notices and you can do many things according to these notices. As the authorities provide different types of information at different times, if you write and search this Supreme Court notice, you can go to the homepage of the official website and go there and collect all types of notices.

In addition to showing all the latest updated notices on the home page, when you click on the “View All Notices in this Category” option below, this website will provide you with all the information related to such notices. Many people are constantly visiting this website for various tasks starting from collecting notices and till now more than one crore people have visited this website and availed their desired benefits. As the ICT Department of Bangladesh Supreme Court is managing this official website, it is very important for them to present every work in front of everyone.

Supreme Court Online Notice

Earlier when we did not know about collecting various types of information by browsing the website through online and we used to sit for official orders in collecting various types of notices, nowadays it is possible to collect notices online due to the fact that every work has become online based. Generally, for any kind of information, if you take leave of the Supreme Court and know about these notices at home, we can know about the orders that come at different times and also try to inform everyone about it by spreading it through social media.

Various measures are being taken to ensure the service of digital Bangladesh so that every person can use various types of government services and various types of legal aid information sitting at home. In this case, by creating an official website of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, every notice is being given online in daily life, so every person has an Android handset in their hand, so they can take those benefits. When you want to collect this information of the Supreme Court, you must visit our website and you can visit the official website by using the link of the official website of Bangladesh Supreme Court provided in the above title.

So as a common man or as a lawyer you can gather the right idea about what the highest court of Bangladesh i.e. Bangladesh Supreme Court is updating you and what work compressa devi people have to do. Digital Bangladesh will come, we all need to be updated about every information and in this case, if you can recognize the official website of Bangladesh Supreme Court without asking any other person, then you can visit here for any work and complete your work. In this case, if you just go to Google Chrome browser and write Bangladesh Supreme Court Notice or write Bangladesh Supreme Court Notice Today, the latest updated notices will be displayed in front of you.

Supreme Court Online Cause List

Those of you who have come to know about the cause list through the Supreme Court Online, I will tell you the rules for viewing this list. This website provides us with all the information through which we can easily collect the list of judges under the Supreme Court under the High Court and under the Appellate Division. Besides, in the rule that you have to follow in order to get the Supreme Court online case list, we will say that first of all you should go to Google Chrome browser and go there and search by typing Supreme Court of Bangladesh, the official portal will come in front of you.

In this case, enter the official website called Supreme Court Govt BD which will be shown in front of you and after entering the website, go to the top right of the new interface that will appear in front of you. From there, if you go to the Judge list option, I will ask you to go down and go there and you can see the list of causes of the Appellate Division and the list of the High Court. In the case of judicial department, you can check the name and address of the High Court judge and other detailed information.

Bangladesh Supreme Court Judges’ List

Those who want to get the Georgette list by visiting the official website of Bangladesh Supreme Court, we will direct to visit the portal of the official website. While visiting the official website you always enter the official hotel called Supreme Court Govt Bd and after entering there you have to go to the top right option. In getting the George list you have to follow the same rules as when you want to get the George list of the Supreme Court Judiciary or the Appellate Division Judges. In this case, by visiting the website, if you click on the option called George List, you will be shown a list of different types of George.

In that case, if you choose whether you want to get the list of judges of the judicial department or the list of judges of any other department, the names of the various judges in charge will come up and other information including their mobile numbers will be shown to you from there. We think that with this information you will easily get the list of High Court and Appellate Division and there will be a nice mention of their parent’s name and year of birth. If anyone does not understand about this, then if you comment in the comment box of our website, we will help you to get the correct list.

Bangladesh Supreme Court Daily Cause List

If you want to know the daily cause list published under the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, then I will tell you to visit the official website very easily and if you visit there, you will get a chance to see the cause list of the High Court and the Apple Division. So to see the cause list, first of all you have to go to the official website called Supreme Court Gov. BD and you can check the cause list of the High Court or Appellate Division from the options on the top right. You don’t have to worry much as there is a very easy process to view the cause list and when you click on the particular college list then its detailed information will be shown to you.

Especially when you click on the call list option, you can see the detailed schedule of how many cases are there under the High Court or under the Appellate Division and under which judge these cases are being handled. In this case, the information about how many people have to appear on a certain day and which case will be resolved will be shown there, so you can solve various problems by appearing in the High Court on a certain day with updates.

www.supremecourt.gov.bd Case Search

I would like to tell those who want to search cases by using the official website of the Supreme Court that you can search any case at home because of the very easy process of searching this case. In this case, those who will visit the website for the purpose of case search will have to go to the cause list option and from there it will be shown very easily whether you want to get the cause list of the High Court or the cause list of the Apple department. In this case, you can search different types of cases from the cause list and you can view the detailed information from the case number.

www.supremecourt.gov.bd Application Form

All the application forms issued under the Supreme Court of Bangladesh can be viewed or found by searching the application form. There are rules for filling up the application form for the purpose of appointing certain persons as per the notification published from time to time in all the posts under the Supreme Court. By filling the application form, you can do many important things. Likewise, in official work, you can often get favor from the judge on the basis of providing the application form. To know about recruitment notification or various types of circulars, you can go to the notice or circular option at the bottom left of the official website.

From here you can find out the various types of circulars published by the Supreme Court of Bangladesh, as well as follow the rules and fill the application form on the basis of providing any information. By visiting this website, you will be able to read the annual reports provided by various authorities, as well as view the valuable doctrines or statements of various judges. That is, this official website is providing us with some information or providing some facilities that we used to waste time visiting day after day.

But at present we are given the opportunity to do these things through the official website, so we can take advantage of this portal at home and very easily work according to the notice given by the Supreme Court of Bangladesh or according to the various directions. From here you will get some links very quickly through which you can get the information of various ministries as well as the law and judicial portal of Bangladesh. Moreover if you want to get National web portal then you will get that too and here various types of officers list can be collected very easily. So, use this portal to get various services of Bangladesh Supreme Court at home and ensure your services yourself.